Asetek SimSports® La Prima™ Direct Drive Wheelbase 12Nm
What others would call high-end, we make possible as entry-level!
When we set out to develop our range of direct drive wheelbases, we wanted to develop the best sim racing wheelbases on the market measured on all parameters but without breaking the bank. We had greater aspirations than just reselling a standard industrial servo motor and then trying to adapt everything else around it. It was a tough task but like with our award-winning pedals and steering wheels, we started from a clean sheet.
We bought and implemented IP from market-leading vendors, we teamed up with Mige, a well-known motor supplier to sim racing, and after years of development of grounds-up electronics, software, firmware, mechanics, cooperation, design, test, and validation, we are now ready! Please meet the Invicta™ 27Nm, the 18Nm Forte®, and the 12Nm upgradeable La Prima™ wheelbases.
True to the spirit of our other products, at Asetek SimSports®, you will get the same quality, durability, engineering excellence – and most importantly – the same user experience, independent of whether you buy our entry-level La Prima™ series or our top-tier Invicta™ products. Each wheelbase from 12-27Nm features a high-end 22-bit encoder, slipring, and electronics providing an unrivaled driving experience, leaving cogging and lagging in ancient history. All vital parts are of course made of aluminum and steel.
All Asetek SimSports® wheelbases provide smooth, super responsive, and precise feedback to the driver, where you will feel even the smallest bumps and curbs on the road. As an example - each of our wheelbases has a resolution of 0,000085 degrees or roughly 4,000.000 steps in just one revolution of the wheel! In other words, with an Asetek SimSports® wheelbase, you do not have to choose between a true high-fidelity driver experience and a low price. You can get it all!